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Shangai by oldeekdog



Snow Sunday by earwenM

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TOS for FA [Current to BEYOND]

Started by DarkAngel, July 17, 2022, 11:58:20 AM

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that's for sure. Common Sense/ do unto others, doesn't mean only if you feel like it...LOL

On youtube the other night I was watching some Carol Burnett bloopers that her show, benny hill, and Monty python would get into so much trouble for nowadays with all the picky people with minds in the mind you, mine can go there too but that doesn't mean Ima want your body... unless it has a better figure than my roly-poly one.
Fear not,
You are never alone,
I am there to comfort and guide you...


In the words of the founding  fathers of the US, Freedom of Speech isn't free, you take responsibility for your words.  It's not legal to yell Theatre in a crowded firehouse.
Hey Don't be mean, remember.. no matter where you
There you are.
Buckaroo Banzai


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Mainly we are a family-oriented family of sites....there are little eyes that sometimes come in with mom or dad and they need not be traumatized.

We are all adults here ( sort of ) so you all know how to behave. Although this is an open registration forum and guests are allowed to see what they may be getting into if they register and are accepted...we do need a few rules. Also, we are aware that this forum has little eyes viewing over our shoulders or laps from time to time so keep that in mind when posting.

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There are plenty of forum topics where it is allowed to vent (not harass) and there is a political area just to keep it all in one place.
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Images in the gallery are the sole property of their respective creators. We do reserve the right to post winning images on our social media pages. There is a limit of 5 images per member a day to upload. If you need to upload more than the allowed amount in one day then please contact darkangel, thelufias or Aelin by pm.

The images in the gallery can be PG to some X --  nudity but no physical contact in a sexual way in the general population of the gallery ---PLEASE. Remember we have little eyes that occasionally look over our shoulders. Children's images, real or 3d are welcome in the main gallery, within reason, nothing naughty.
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In conclusion...
If you need assistance with anything our administrators will be happy to help.

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Have fun and enjoy our little asylum, we want everyone to play nice, we do not discourage debates but if they get out of hand there are consequences. Be wary of what you write and that the intention of what you write is clear. Freedom of speech is good but not if it is detrimental to others.

Fear not,
You are never alone,
I am there to comfort and guide you...