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2024 awards

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Der Jäger by Lienchen



Big, Big, Trouble by M-Callahan

The prizes for both categories are:

Choose 1 item from the Fantasies Realm Market


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December 2024 Contest Winner

1st Place
1st Place

You Do Not Exist by Radkres

Giveaway of the Day

Giveaway of the Day

Don't leave those breadcrumbs for too long or the bunnies will eat them.

Everyone needs help from time to time so here you go...come in and check out the breadcrumbs ----- if the mice didn't eat them yet.

It's all over now baby blue by Parkdalegardener

Uploading to Galleries___Questions

Started by deeleelaw57, September 27, 2018, 06:10:04 PM

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Yup....that will be fine......can't wait to see them....


Thanks for the info, I suspected the 5 limit in the main gallery was started as a play nice with others and not crowd people but I was not sure if it was a per member total. I will be starting a personal gallery and currently have about 50 renders I want to move so if I move two or three every few days or once a week it should be OK and leave room for contest entries.


The five per day is across all galleries ... in other words ... whatever adds up to five is five

"But who is stronger, truly, I asked myself, he who continues to wound and bleed himself to please others, or he who refuses any longer to do so?"

Fighting Slave of Gor by John Norman


I think 5 images per day is kinda flexible  but was put in place for some who come by just to spam their art onto the gallery. But What happens if you do not give a limilt is people exploit the gallery and it washes other peoples work off the front page of the gallery. So is more of a courtesy to others in the gallery.

If you post the same image in two Sections of the Gallery  it would count as two uploads in my opinion You can always edit a picture and move it between sections like Contest to private without uploading twice but two images of the same type in two separate gallery sections is up to You.

I Always look at it as tring to be polite to others and give  time to see if someone else posts some work and my other 5 uploads do not wash them away from the front of the gallery. Cause some people just zoom into the front page  and look at what was just posted and move on and if the works have been washed away then they might never get seen and that can cause problems.

Anyway That is my thoughts on what You asked I am not an Admin or Anything Here So take What I say With a Pound of Salt.  :shrug:


I can only hope I am doing this correctly. I started to post this in 'Uploading your images' below, but when I hit reply I got a warning this post had not been used in a very long time and suggested a new post.

I have a slight bit of confusion that has lead me to approximately 25 questions of which all but 3 or 4 are redundant. Beside any more than that and I fall asleep.

  • I read you can post up to a total of 5 images per day. Is this to your personal gallery are a per member limit. In other words if I post to a contest do I only have four post remaining for that day.
  • If I post an image to my personal gallery and the same image to another gallery is that two post.
  • What is the definition of per day. If I post 5 images at 11:45 pm can I post 5 more at 12:15 am and would that be local time or site location time.

I realize the answers are probably in the forums in a place I have not found as yet. When I am in those long dark hallways and suddenly feel a cold chill in the air, given all I have heard about you know who and the dust bunnies, one little thump and I do what any sensible man would do. I PANIC hit the home key and get out of there.